GenSAS Homepage
The GenSAS hompage is the access portal for using GenSAS and also has other useful information. On the right side, is a place to login to GenSAS (Fig. 1A). If you do not have an account, please use the link to request an account. Please note that account requests are reviewed prior to approval and are not automatic. Account requests are usually approved within 24 hours. If you have an account, and have forgotten your password, there is a link to request a new password. Once logged into GenSAS, your account information can be edited by clicking on "My account" in the upper right corner.
Figure 1. The GenSAS homepage.
In the header of the homepage, are a series of tabs (Fig. 1B). Once logged in, click on the "Use GenSAS" tab to go to the GenSAS interface. To view the available tools, click on the "Available Tools" tab. On the Available Tools table, there are hyperlinks to the websites for each tool available in GenSAS (Fig. 2A). GenSAS provides the RefSeq, SwissProt, and TrEMBL databases as well as the RepBase repeat libraries. Information on the globally provided data, and the release dates, can be found on the "Available Libraries" tab (Fig. 2B). To contact GenSAS support, read the User's Guide, and view the video tutorials click on the "Help" tab. Finally, to find a citation for GenSAS, please click on "Cite GenSAS."
Figure 2. The tools and databases available in GenSAS.